At the park entry and inside the parks, all visitors, packages, bags, clothing, and other goods may be subject to screening and security checks.
In no event will tickets that have already been issued be returned, cancelled, or changed.
If customers are discovered to have damaged Rimjhim Water Kingdom property or personal possessions, they will be charged.
Detachable lens cameras are not allowed inside the park; if one is discovered, the management will delete any photos that were taken there.
Respect your fellow park visitors and our cast members by refraining from using profanity and other disrespectful or harmful behaviors. For the protection of yourself and others, do not flee.
Please enjoy the rides responsibly and pay close attention to the attendant's directions. Anyone who is observed not adhering to the attendants' instructions or getting into arguments will be asked to leave the park immediately without a refund. Rimjhim Water Kingdom disclaims responsibility for any injuries sustained as a result of disregarding directions.
Cigarettes, alcohol, Thambaku, Gutka and Chewing gums are not allowed in to the park.
In the event of any mishaps, we kindly ask you to adhere to the first aid recommendations made by the medical experts.
All visitors are urged to keep an eye on their kids at all times. To enter the park, visitors under the age of 14 must be accompanied by visitors over the age of 14. if youngsters have poor swimming skills. Despite the fact that we have attendants on duty to ensure their safety, it is the parents' and guardians' job to do so.
Customers are asked not to spit in the pool, dive in headfirst, wear socks, or enter the pool when experiencing diarrhea.
If a customer has a skin allergy, we ask them not to participate in any water games. Also prohibited while enjoying the rides and activities are any kind of masks or headgear. The administration is not liable for any skin illnesses or accidents caused by the use of masks or hats, among other things.